Dr. Julie Ann Vincent – Publications

Peer-Reviewed Publications

(* indicates senior author and italics indicates mentee)

  • Kaza EA, Egalka MC, Zhou H, Chen J, Evans D, Prats J, Li R, Diamond SL, Vincent JA, Bacha EA, Diacovo TG. P2Y12 Receptor Function and Response to Cangrelor in Neonates with Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease. JACC Basic Transl Sci. 2017 Aug:2(4):465-476. PMID: 29057376
  • Boscamp NS, Turner ME, Crystal M, Anderson B, Vincent JA, Torres AJ. Cardiac Catheterization in Pediatric Patients Supported by Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A 15-Year Experience. Pediatric Cardiol. 2017 Fe;38(2):332-337. PMID: 27872993
  • Baruteau AE, Barnetche T, Morin L, Jalal Z, Boscamp NS, Le Bret E, Thambo JB, Vincent JA, Fraisse A, Torres AJ. Percutaneous Balloon Atrial Septostomy on Top of Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Results in Safe and Effective Left Heart Decompression. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2016 Oct 14. PMID: 27742755
  • Mills KI, Vincent JA, Zuckerman WA, Hoffman TM, Canter CE, Marshall AC, Blume ED, Bergersen L, Daly KP. Is Endomyocardial Biopsy a Safe and Useful Procedure in Children with Suspected Cardiomyopathy? Pediatr Cardiol. 2016 Oct;37(7):1200-10. PMID: 27272694
  • Plummer ST, Hornik CP, Baker H, Fleming GA, Foerster S, Ferguson ME, Glatz AC, Hirsch R, Jacobs JP, Lee KJ, Lewis AB, Li JS, Martin M, Porras D, Radtke WA, Rhodes JF Vincent JA, Zampi JD, Hill KD. Maladaptive Aortic Properties After the Norwood Procedure: An Angiographic Analysis of the Pediatric Heart Network Single Ventricle Reconstruction Trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016 Aug;152(2):471-479. PMID: 27167022
  • Turner ME, Addonizio LJ, Richmond ME, Zuckerman WA, Vincent JA, Torres AJ, Collins MB. Percutaneous Coronary Artery Revascularization Procedures in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients: A Large Single Center Experience. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2016 Nov;88(5):797-803. PMID: 27083510
  • Crystal MA, Vincent JA. Atrial Septal Defect Device Closure in the Pediatric Population: A Current Review. Curr Pediatr Rep. Sept 2016;3(3):237-244.
  • Torres AJ, McElhinney DB, Anderson BR, Turner ME, Crystal MA, Timchak DM, *Vincent, JA. Aortic Root Distortion and Aortic Insufficiency During Balloon Angioplasty of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Prior to Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement. J Interv Cardiol. 2016 Apr;29(2):197-207. PMID: 26822282
  • Lewis MJ, Jayaram N, Kennedy K, Ginns J, Crystal M, Torres AJ, Vincent J, Rosenbaum M. Factors Associated with Procedural Success and Complications in Pulmonary Artery Stenting: Insights from the NCDR. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016 Mar 22;67(11):1327-35. PMID: 26988955
  • Chai PJ, George I, Nazif TM, Kalfa DM, Kodali SK, Torres AJ, Vincent JA, Leon MB, Bacha EA. Use of Stented Bovine Pericardial Valve for Surgical Mitral Valve Replacement in Infants. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016 Mar;151(3):e51-52. PMID: 26474898
  • Torres AJ, Sommer RJ, Crystal MA, Vincent JA, Bacha E, Turner ME. Use of the Baylis Radiofrequency Trans-Septal Needle to Create an Atrial Communication in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Interv Cardiol. 2015;7(2):131-136.
  • Lin CH, Desai S, Nicolas R, Gauvreau K, Foerster S, Sharma A, Armsby L, Marshall AC, Odegard K, DiNardo J, Vincent J, El-Said H, Spaeth J, Goldstein B, Holzer R, Kreutzer J, Balzer D, Bergersen L. Sedation and Anesthesia in Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Catheterization: A Prospective Multicenter Experience. Pediatr Cardiol. 2015 Oct;36(7):1363-75. PMID: 25991570
  • Ross RD, Brook M, Koenig P, Feinstein JA, Lang P, Spicer RL, Vincent, JA. 2015 SPCTPD/ACC/AAP/AHA Training Guidelines for Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Programs (Revision of the 2005 Training Guidelines for Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Programs): Introduction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015 Aug 11;66(6):672-6. PMID: 25777633
  • Dubin AM, Walsh EP, Franklin W, Kanter RJ, Saul JP, Shah MJ, Van Hare GF, Vincent JA. Task Force 4: Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Training in Electrophysiology. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015 Aug 11;66(6):762. PMID: 25777633
  • Ross RD, Brook M, Koenig P, Feinstein JA, Lang P, Spicer RL, Vincent JA; Society of Pediatric Cardiology Training Program Directors; American College of Cardiology; American Academy of Pediatrics; American Heart Association. 2015 SPCTPD/ACC/AAP/AHA Training Guidelines for Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Programs (Revision of the 2005 Training Guidelines for Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Programs): Introduction. Circulation. 2015 Aug 11;132(6):e43-7. PMID: 2576939
  • Dubin AM, Walsh EP, Franklin W, Kanter RJ, Saul JP, Shah MJ, Van Hare GF, Vincent JA; Society of Pediatric Cardiology Training Program Directors; American College of Cardiology; American Academy of Pediatrics; American Heart Association. Task Force 4: Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Training in Electrophysiology, SPCTPD/ACC/AAP/AHA. Circulation. 2015 Aug 11;132(6):e75-80. PMID 25769637
  • Cheatham JP, Hellenbrand WE, Zahn EM, Jones TK, Berman DP, Vincent JA, McElhinney DB. Clinical and Hemodynamic Outcomes Up to 7 Years After Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement in the US Melody Valve Investigational Device Exemption Trial. Circulation. 2015 Jun 2;131(22):1960-70. PMID: 25944758
  • Torres AJ, Vincent JA, Everett A, Lim S, Foerster SR, Marshall AC, Beekman III RH, Murphy J, Trucco SM, Gauvreau K, Holzer R, Bergersen L, Porras D. Balloon Valvuloplasty for Congenital Aortic Stenosis: Multi-center Safety and Efficacy Outcome Assessment. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2015 Nov 1:86(5):808-20. PMID: 26032565
  • Torres AJ, Sanders SP, Vincent JA, El-Said HG, Leahy RA, Padera RF, McElhinney DB. Iatrogenic Aortopulmonary Communications after Transcatheter Interventions on the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract or Pulmonary Artery: Pathophysiologic, Diagnostic, and Management Considerations. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2015 Sep 1; 86(3):438-52. PMID 25676815
  • Chiu J, Zuckerman WA, Turner ME, Richmond ME, Kerstein D, Krishnan, Torres AJ, Vincent JA, Rosenzweig EB. Atrial Septostomy in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Effect on Survival and Associated Outcomes. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2015 Mar;34(3):376-80. PMID 25813766
  • Berman DP, McElhinney DB, Vincent JA, Hellenbrand WE, Zahn EM. Feasibility and short-term outcomes of percutaneous transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement in small (<30 kg) children with dysfunctional right ventricular outflow tract conduits. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2014 Apr;7(2):142-148. PMID: 24569596
  • Anderson BR, Ciarleglio AJ, Hayes DA, Quaegebeur JM, Vincent JA, Bacha EA. Earlier arterial switch operation improves outcomes and reduces costs for neonates with transposition of the great arteries. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014 Feb 11;63(5):481-487. PMID: 24184243
  • Lin CH, Hegde S, Marshall AC, Porras D, Gauvreau K, Balzer DT, Beekman RH 3rd, Torres A, Vincent JA, Moore JW, Holzer R, Armsby L, Bergersen L. Incidence and management of life-threatening adverse events during cardiac catheterization for congenital heart disease. Pediatr Cardiol. 2014 Jan;35(1):140-148. PMID: 23900744
  • Aiyagari R, Rhodes JF, Shrader P, Radtke WA, Bandisode VM, Bergersen L, Gillespie MJ, Gray RG, Guey LT, Hill KD, Hirsch R, Kim DW, Lee KJ, Pelech AN, Ringewald J, Takao C, Vincent JA, Ohye RG. Pediatric Heart Network Investigators. Impact of pre-stage II hemodynamics and pulmonary artery anatomy on 12-month outcomes in the Pediatric Heart Network Single Ventricle Reconstruction trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Oct;148(4):1467-1474. PMID: 24332668
  • El-Said HG, Bratincsak A, Foerster SR, Murphy JJ, Vincent JA, Holzer R, Porras D, Moore J, Bergersen L. Safety of percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus closure: an unselected multicenter population experience. J Am Heart Assoc. Dec 2013; 2(6): e000424. PMID: 24284214
  • Zuckerman WA, Turner ME, Kerstein J, Torres A, Vincent JA, Krishnan U, Kerstein D, Rosenzweig EB. Safety of cardiac catheterization at a center specializing in the care of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Pulm Circ 2013 Dec;3(4):831-839. PMID: 25006398
  • Hill KD, Rhodes JF, Aiyagari R, Baker GH, Bergesen L, Chai PJ, Fleming GA, Fudge JC, Gillespie MJ, Gray RG, Hirsch R, Lee KJ, Li JS, Ohye RG, Oster ME, Pasquali SK, Pelech AN, Radtke WA, Takao CM, Vincent JA, Hornik CP. Intervention for recoarctation in the single ventricle reconstruction trial: incidence, risk and outcomes. Circulation 2013 Aug 27;128(9):954-961. PMID: 23864006
  • Learn CP, Holzer RJ, Daniels CJ, Torres AJ, Vincent JA, Moore JW, Armsby LB, Landzberg MJ, Bergersen L. Adverse events rates and risk factors in adults undergoing cardiac catheterization at pediatric hospitals-results from the C3PO. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2013 May;81(6):997-1005. PMID: 23345073
  • Hoque T, Richmond M, Vincent J, Bacha E, Torres A. Current outcomes of hypoplastic left heart syndrome with restrictive atrial septum: A single ventricle experience. Pediatr Cardiol 2013 Jun;34(5):1181-1189. PMID: 23392623
  • Ringel RE, Vincent JA, Jenkins KJ, Gauvreau K, Moses H, Lofgren K, Usmani K. Acute outcome of stent therapy for coarctation of the aorta: results of the coarctation of the aorta stent trial (COAST). Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2013 Oct 1;82(4):503-510. PMID: 23592408
    • This is the first publication involving the multicenter clinical trial to assess safety and effectiveness of a large diameter, bare metal stent to be used in treatment for coarctation of the aorta. There are presently no appropriate sized stents approved for use in coarctation of the aorta in the US.
  • Turner ME, Richmond ME, Shah A, Quaegebeur JM, Chen JM, Bacha EA, *Vincent, JA. Intact right ventricle-pulmonary artery shunts after stage II palliation in hypoplastic left heart syndrome improves pulmonary artery growth. Pediatr Cardiol. 2013 Apr;34(4):924-30. PMID: 23229288
    • I mentored Dr. Turner, a 4th year fellow at the time of this important study to compare effect of specific surgical palliation for children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.  Appropriate growth of the pulmonary arteries early on is imperative for successful long term outcomes and low morbidity in these patients. This paper has changed surgical practice at our institution.
  • Takayama H, Naka Y, Kodali SK, Vincent JA, Addonizio LJ, Jorde UP, Williams MR. A novel approach to percutaneous right-ventricular mechanical support. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2012 Feb;41(2):423-6. PMID: 21737292
  • Goldstein BH, Hirsch R, Zussman M, Vincent JA, Torres AJ, Coulson J, Ringel RE, Beekman RH 3rd. Percutaneous balloon-expandable covered stent implantation for treatment of acute traumatic aortic injury in children and adolescents. Am J Cardiol. 2012 Nov 15;110(10):1541-5. PMID: 22853985
  • Gillespie MJ, Rome JJ, Levi DS, Williams RJ, Rhodes JF, Cheatham JP, Hellenbrand WE, Jones TK, Lock JE, Vincent JA, Zahn EM, McElhinney DB. Melody® valve implant within failed bioprosthetic valves in the pulmonary position: A multicenter experience. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2012 Dec;5(6):862-870. PMID: 22853985
  • Daly KP, Marshall AC, Vincent JA, Zuckerman WA, Hoffman TM, Canter CE, Blume ED, Bergersen L. Endomocardial biopsy and selective coronary angiography are low-risk procedures in pediatric heart tansplant recipients: results of a multicenter experience. J Heart Lung Transplant 2012 Apr;31(4):398-409. PMID: 22209354
  • Brown DW, McElhinney DB, Araoz PA, Zahn EM, Vincent JA, Cheatham JP, Jones TK, Hellenbrand WE, O’Leary PW. Reliability and accuracy of echocardiographic right heart evaluation in the U.S. Melody® valve investigational trial. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2012 Apr;25(4):383-392. PMID: 22265459
  • McElhinney DB, Cheatham JP, Jones TK, Lock JE, Vincent JA, Zahn EM, Hellenbrand WE. Stent fracture, valve dysfunction, and right ventricular outflow tract reintervention after transcatheter pulmonary valve implantation: patient-related and procedural risk factors in the US Melody® valve trial. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2011 Dec 1;4(6):602-14. PMID: 22075927
  • Hasan BS, McElhinney DB, Brown DW, Cheatham JP, Vincent JA, Hellenbrand WE, Jones TK, Zahn EM, Lock JE. Short-term performance of the transcatheter Melody® valve in high-pressure hemodynamic environments in the pulmonary and systemic circulations. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2011 Dec 1;4(6):615-20. PMID: 22075926
  • Bergersen L, Gauvreau K, Foerster SR, Marshall AC, McElhinney DB, Beekman RH, Hirsch R, Kreutzer J, Balzer D, Vincent J, Hellenbrand WE, Holzer R, Cheatham JP, Moore JW, Burch G, Armsby L, Lock JE, Jenkins KJ. Catheterization for Congenital Heart Disease Adjustment for Risk Method (CHARM). JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2011;4:1037-1046. PMID: 21939947
  • Bergersen L, Gauvreau K, Marshall A, Kreutzer J, Beekman R, Hirsch R, Foerster S, Balzer D, Vincent J, Hellenbrand W, Holzer R, Cheatham J, Moore J, Lock J, Jenkins K. Procedure-type Risk Categories for Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Catheterization. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2011 Apr 1;4(2):188-94. PMID: 21386090
  • Holzer R, Qureshi S, Ghasemi A, Vincent J, Sievert H, Gruenstein D, Weber H, Alday L, Peirone A, Zellers T, Cheatham J, Slack M, Rome J. Stenting of aortic coarctation: acute, intermediate, and long-term results of a prospective multi-institutional registry – Congenital Cardiovascular Interventional Study Consortium (CCISC). Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2010 Oct 1;76(4):553-563. PMID: 20882661
  • McElhinney DB, Hellenbrand WE, Zahn EM, Jones TK, Cheatham JP, Lock JE, *Vincent JA. Short- and medium-term outcomes after transcatheter pulmonary valve placement in the expanded multicenter U.S. Melody® trial. Circulation 2010;122:507-516. PMID: 20644013
    • This sentinel paper reported short and mid-term results of the first multicenter transcatheter valve trial in the US.  This work led to the first ever transcatheter valve achieving FDA approval (under Humanitarian Device Exemption) for use in the US.
  • Bergersen L, Marshall AC, Gauvreau K, Beekman RH, Hirsch R, Foerster S, Balzer D, Vincent JA, Hellenbrand WE, Holzer R, Cheatham JP, Moore JW, Lock JE, Jenkins KJ. Adverse event rates in congenital cardiac catheterization – A multi-center experience. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2010 Feb 15;75(3):389-400. PMID: 19885913
  • El Said HG, McMahon CJ, Mullins CE, Pignatelli RH, Grifka RG, Nihill MR, *Vincent JA. Patent foramen ovale morphology and impact on percutaneous device closure. Pediatr Cardiol 2005 Jan-Feb;26(1):62-65. PMID: 15793654
    • This paper demonstrated that different morphologies of a patent foramen ovale could affect outcomes of percutaneous closure techniques.  This information was invaluable to interventionalists performing these procdures
  • Forbes T, Harahsheh A, Rodriguez-Cruz E, Morrow W, Thomas R, Turner D, *Vincent J. Angiographic and hemodynamic predictors for successful outcome of transcatheter occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus in infants less than 8 kilograms. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2004 Jan;61(1):117-122. PMID: 14696170
  • Forbes TJ, Rodriguez-Cruz E, Amin Z, Benson LN, Fagan TE, Hellenbrand WE, Latson LA, Moore P, Mullins CE, *Vincent JA. The Genesis stent: A new low-profile stent for use in infants, children, and adults with congenital heart disease. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2003;59(3):406-14. PMID: 12822172
    • First known publication assessing this new stent technology for use in patients with congenital heart disease. This new stent became widely used after this initial report.
  • McMahon CJ, El Said HG, Vincent JA, Grifka RG, Nihill MR, Ing FF, Fraley JK, Mullins CE. Refinements in the implantation of pulmonary arterial stents: impact on morbidity and mortality of the procedure over the last two decades. Cardiol Young 2002 Oct;12(5):445-52. PMID: 15773447
  • Rutledge JM, Grifka RG, Nihill MR, Mullins CE, *Vincent JA. Initial experience with IntraTherapeutics Intrastent Double Strut LD Stents in patients with congenital heart defects. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv 2002;56:541-548. PMID: 12124970
    • First known publication reporting initial results of new stent design and technology being used in the treatment of patients with congenital heart disease.
  • Rutledge JM, Grifka RG, Bryant LL, Mullins CE, *Vincent JA. Balloon dilation and stent placement through the side of a previously placed intravascular stent: A new option for the interventionalist. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 2002 Jul;56(3):387-393. PMID:12112895
    • First known publication reporting ability to balloon dilate and or stent a vessel arising off the side of a previously placed stent (performed in an animal model).  This is now a practice frequently used in patients undergoing branch pulmonary artery stenting.
  • Turner DR, Forbes TJ, Epstein ML, *Vincent JA. Early reopening and recanalization after successful coil occlusion of the patent ductus arteriosus. Am Heart J 2002;143:889-93. PMID: 12040354
  • Forbes TJ, Horenstein SM, *Vincent JA. Balloon pericardiotomy for recurrent pericardial effusion following Fontan revision. Pediatr Cardiol 2001 Nov-Dec; 22:527-529. PMID: 11894163
  • Hintz SR, Vincent JA, Pitlick PT, Fineman JR, Steinhorn RH, Kim GE, Benitz WE. Alveolar capillary dysplasia: Diagnostic potential for cardiac catheterization. J Perinatol 1999;19(6):441-446. PMID: 10685275
  • Vincent JA, Cavitt D, Karpawich P. Diagnostic and cost effectiveness of telemonitoring the pediatric pacemaker patient. Pediatr Cardiol 1997;18:86-90. PMID: 9049117
  • Paridon S, Galioto F, Vincent J, Tomassoni T, Sullivan N, Bricker JT. Exercise capacity and incidence of myocardial perfusion defects after Kawasaki disease in children and adolescents. J Am Coll Cardiol 1995;25:1420-1424. PMID: 7722143
  • Ross R, Kalidindi V, Vincent J, Kassab J, Dabbagh S, Hsu J, Pinsky W. Acute changes in endothelin-1 after hemodialysis for chronic renal failure. J Pediatr 1993; 122:574-576. PMID: 8501552
  • Vincent J, Ross R, Kassab J, Hsu J, Pinsky W. Relation of elevated plasma endothelin in congenital heart disease to increased pulmonary blood flow. Am J Cardio. 1993; 71:1204-1207.

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

(* indicates senior author and italics indicates mentee)

Proceedings of Meetings or Other Non-Peer Reviewed Research Publications

  • Karpawich P, Vincent J, Forbes T, Keller G, Cavitt D, Webster P. Performance of Transvenous Pacing Leads Inserted into Vascular Stents. In Oto (ed): “New Trends in Electrocardiology”, International Proceedings Division, Bologna, Italy: Monduzzi.

Reviews, Chapters, Monographs, Editorials

  • Shahanavaz S, Hijazi Z, Hellenbrand W, *Vincent, J. Catheter-Based Therapy in the Neonate with Congenital Heart Disease. In Kleinman C, Seri I (ed): HEMODYNAMICS AND CARDIOLOGY: Neonatology Questions and Controversies, Second Edition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Saunders and Elsevier, Inc. 2012
  • *Vincent JA, Hellenbrand WE. Right heart percutaneous valve therapies: An update on percutaneous valve options for treating right ventricular outflow tract dysfunction in patients with congenital heart disease. Cardiac Interv Today 2010; September/October:32-36
  • Grifka RG, *Vincent JA. Mitral stenosis, cor triatriatum and mitral valve disease. In Garson, Bricker, Fisher and Neish (eds):  The Science and Practice of Pediatric Cardiology. 2nd Edition, Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins. 1998

Case Reports

  • Crystal MA, Vincent JA, Gray W. The Wedding Cake Solution: A percutaneous correction of a form fruste superior sinus venosus atrial septal defect. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2015;86:1204-1210. PMID: 26011715
  • Turner ME, Lai W, *Vincent JA. Percutaneous closure of tricuspid paravalvular leak. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2013 Oct 1;82(4):E511-5. PMID: 23554068
  • Hahn E, Vincent JA, Kadenhe-Chiweshe A, Ratner V, Krishnamurthy G. Emergent transcatheter relief of bronchus compression by an ectatic ductus arteriosus in a premature neonate: a case report. J Neonatal Perinatal Med. 2013 Jan 1;6(4):349-53. PMID: 24441093
  • Arora G, Fraser CD, Kearney DL, *Vincent JA. Severe supravalvar aortic stenosis in familial homozygous hypercholesterolemia.  Pediatr Cardiol 2006;27(2):282-285. PMID: 16261269
  • Tortoriello TA, Vick GW, Chung T, Bezold LI, *Vincent JA. Meandering right pulmonary vein to the left atrium and inferior vena cava: The first case with associated anomalies. Tex Heart Inst J 2002;29:319-23. PMID: 12484618
  • L’Ecuyer TJ, Poulik JM, *Vincent JA. Myocardial infarction in an infant with pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum. Pediatr Cardiol. 2001 Jan-Feb;22(1):68-70. PMID: 11123134
  • Turner DR, Vincent JA, Epstein ML. Isolated right pulmonary artery discontinuity. Images Paediatr Cardiol 2000;4:20-25. PMCID: PMC3232486
  • Grifka RG, Vincent JA, Nihill MR, Ing FF, Mullins CE. Transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus closure in an infant using the gianturco-grifka vascular occlusion device.  Am J Cardio 1996;78:721-723. PMID: 8831421

Published Abstracts, Poster Presentations

  • Chiu JS, Zuckerman WA, Turner ME, Richmond ME Kerstein D, Krishnan U, Torres A, Vincent JA, Rosenzweig EB. Balloon atrial septostomy in pulmonary arterial hypertension: Effect on survival and associated outcomes. Journal of heart and lung transplantation 2014 vol:33 iss:4 SUPPL. 1 pg:S93 -S93
  • Turner ME, Richmond ME, Shah A, Quaegebeur JM, Chen JM, Bacha EA, *Vincent, JA. Intact right ventricle-pulmonary artery shunts after stage II palliation in hypoplastic left heart syndrome improves pulmonary artery growth. JACC 2012: Suppl:(Poster)
  • Mirani A, Torres A, Williams M, Singh R, Richmond M, Addonizio L, Beddows K, Gilmore L, *Vincent JA. Successful use of percutaneous ventricular assist devices in pediatric age patients. Cathet Cardiovasc  Intervent 2010;76:S25-P31 (poster).
  • Rutledge JM, Grifka RG, Nihill MR, Mullins CE, *Vincent JA. Initial experience with IntraTherapeutics DoubleStrut LD Stents in patients with congenital heart disease. JACC 2001;37(SupplA):461A-834-4(Abst).
  • Rutledge JM, Grifka RG, Nihill MR, Mullins CE, *Vincent JA. Transcatheter therapy for adults with congenital heart defects: Experience from a single center. JACC 2001;37(SupplA):459A-1114-196(Abst).
  • Perles Z, Fraser C, Fraley K, Ayres N, Vincent J, Feltes T, Pignatelli R, Lewin M. Do unrecognized echocardiographic diagnoses affect surgical outcome in tetralogy of Fallot?. Circulation 2000;102(Suppl.II):II-830-4004(Abst).
  • *Vincent J, Turner D, Hennis P, Forbes T, Asmar B, Rabah R, Pebbles K. Risk of endocarditis following transcatheter coil occlusion of the patent ductus arteriosus. Circulation 2000;102(Suppl.II):II-830-4001(Abst).
  • Perles Z, Fraser C, Fraley K, Vincent J, Ayres N, Lewin M. Echocardiographic diagnosis alone for the complete repair of tetralogy of Fallot. Pediatr Cardiol 2000;21:598-30 (Abst).
  • Forbes T, Rodriquez E, Keller G, Webster P, *Vincent J. Balloon angioplasty versus stent placement: Does either play a role in the treatment of right sided ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit stenosis?”. Cathet  Cardiovasc  Intervent 2000;50:135-P20 (Abst).
  • Alomrani A, Vincent J, Grifka R, Mullins C, Nihill M. Use of balloon-expandable stents for coarctation of the aorta: Acute and short-term follow-up results. Cathet Cardiovasc  Intervent 2000;50:134-P14 (Abst).
  • Turner D, Forbes T, Epstein M, *Vincent J. The fate of a successfully coiled patent ductus arteriosus: Is long-term follow-up necessary. Cathet Cardiovasc  Intervent 2000;50:133-P11 (Abst).
  • Rodriguez E, Vincent J, Forbes T. Using a snare catheter as a “target” to establish right ventricular to pulmonary artery continuity in membranous pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum. Cathet  Cardiovasc  Intervent 2000;50:133-P09 (Abst).
  • Karpawich P, Vincent J, Forbes T, Keller G, Cavitt D, Webster P. Performance of pacing leads inserted through intravascular stents: Angiographic and intravascular ultrasound findings. May PACE 2000;May. (Abst).
  • *Vincent J, Forbes T, Keller G, Webster P. Use of intravascular ultrasound imaging for stent placement and follow-up in patients with congenital heart disease. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 1999: May (Abst)
  • Forbes T, Morrow WR, Keller G, Webster P, *Vincent J. Angiographic predictors for successful outcome and complications in performing transcatheter occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus in infants less than 8 Kg. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 1999;May (Abst)
  • *Vincent JA, Wexler L, Rubin GD, Pitlick PT. 3-D reconstruction of contrast-enhanced electron-beam CT images in patients with congenital heart disease: Comparison with angiography. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 1997;41:114 – 6P (Abst.).
  • Grifka R, Mullins C, Vincent J, McMahon W, Nihill M, Ing F, et al. Initial clinical experience using the Gianturco-Grifka vascular occlusion device for congenital heart defects. JACC 1996;Vol 27/No.2 (Suppl. A):926-9(Abst.).
  • Vincent J, Grifka R, Nihill M, Ing F, Ward C, Mullins C. Pulmonary balloon valvuloplasty: effective palliation for infants with tetralogy of Fallot and small pulmonary arteries”.  JACC 1995; Special Issue: 125(Abst.).
  • Paridon S, Alpert B, Bricker JT, Flinn C, Galioto F, James F, Vincent J, Wiggins J. North American Society of Pediatric Exercise Medicine Kawasaki Group. Preliminary findings of the collaborative study on exercise testing following Kawasaki disease.  Am J Cardio.  1993; 72:504(Abst.)
  • Ross R, Vincent J, Kassab J, Hsu J, Pinsky W. Congenital heart defects with pulmonary overcirculation lead to increased plasma endothelin-1 concentrations. J of Heart Failure. 1993; Vol 1(Abst. Suppl.):696(Abst.)
  • Karpawich P, Vincent J. Comparative paced myocardial function in the immature heart: Benefits of septal versus apical ventricular stimulation. Pacing and Clinical Electrophys. 1993;16:1154(Abst.)
  • Karpawich P, Vincent J. Improved left ventricular function with septal compared to right ventricular apical pacing in immature canines. J of Heart Failure. 1993; Vol 1(Abst. Suppl):602(Abst.)
  • Vincent J, Konduri G, Ross R, Pinsky W. ATP is a selective pulmonary vasodilator in infants with congenital heart disease. Am J Cardio. 1993; 72:505(Abst.)
  • Ross R, Vincent J, Kassab J, Hsu J, Pinsky W. Congenital heart defects with pulmonary overcirculation lead to increased plasma endothelin-1 concentrations. The Journal of Heart Failure 1993;1:696(Abst)
  • Vincent J, Ross R, Kassab J, Hsu J, Pinsky W. Plasma endothelin-1 is related to pulmonary blood flow irrespective of pulmonary artery pressures. JACC 1993; Vol 21/No.2 (Suppl. A): 260A (Abst)