Professor Julie Brooks Barbour, A Mollusk Without a Shell: Essays on Self-Care for Writers (Akron Series in Contemporary Poetics)
Nevin Buconjic ’94 & ’97, 25 Money-Making Business Ideas for Kids & Teens
Professor Emeritus Bernie Arbic, Amazon Author Page
Nancy (DeShelter) Bailey ’79, Amazon Author Page
Jeffrey Briggs ’78, Out of the Cold Dark Sea: A Seattle Waterfront Mystery
Nevin Buconjic ’94, 25 Money Making Businesses You Can Start in Your Spare Time and Starting Your Own Business: An Entrepreneur’s Guide; Starting Your Own Business: An Entrepreneurs Guide for Starting and Growing a Small Business
Mark Engels ’93, Always Gray in Winter
Audrey J. (Maschke) Fick ’15, as pen name A. Jay, Murder in the Snows, The Constipated Elephant, a Mystery at Pennington House; Marquette Island, View from the Snows; Revelation at the Snows
Stephanie Flynn ’20, Collection of works
Peter Gianakura ’48, American Cafe: Reflections From The Grill
Brent Hamachek ’84, Time for a Turning Point – Setting a Course Toward Free Markets and Limited Government for Future Generations
Rick Hancock ’74 Good Commander, Bad Commander
Sue Harrison ’71, Amazon Author Page
Joseph Haske ’99, North Dixie Highway
Dawnlyn Holman ’15, Collection of works, Take a Chance on Me
Kevin Kluck ’10, Yooper Bars
Kara (Hill) McKenzie ’83, Amazon Author Page
Jane (Breithaupt) McLeod ’95, The Employer Experience: A Capstone Guide to Peak Performance
Carrie (Fancett) Pagels ’78, Amazon Author Page
Tom Pink ’85, Wingshooter’s Guide to Michigan: Upland Birds and Waterfowl
Bonnie Raffaele ’10, From Despair to Hope: A Mother’s Journey
Sydney (Muylaert) Rain ’17, Well of Vengeance
Doug Roberts ’81, Endangered
Jillena (Skaggs) Rose ’03, Light as Sparrows
William Sproule ’68, Houghton The Birthplace Of Professional Hockey
Dr. Robert Sroufe ‘92, Integrated Management: How Sustainability Creates Value for Any Business
Mark Terwilliger ’88, Determining the College Football Playoff: Weighted Wins, A Better Approach
Michaela Titus ’20, Collection of works
Dr. Theresa Turmel ’98, Mnidoo Bemaasing Bemadiziwin: Reclaiming, Reconnecting and Demystifying ‘Resiliency’ as Life Force Energy for Residential School Survivors
Pawel Wegrzyn ’10, Be Human, Not a Zombie: A Guide to Your Fundamental Nature
Dr. Todd Zakrajsek ’85, Dynamic Lecturing: Research-Based Strategies to Enhance Lecture Effectiveness (Higher Education)
Chris Zimmerman ‘87, Amazon Author Page
This is the list that we’re currently aware of, please let us know of other publications or submit your own work.