Monday, March 19 – Etiquette Dinner, 6-8pm, Cisler – Crow’s Nest
Enjoy an evening of fine dining with instruction on etiquette from presenter Lindsay Ellis. Event is full, thank you for your participation!
Tuesday, March 20 – Resume & LinkedIn Workshops
Resume Builder 4-5 pm
Need help starting a resume or want a professional to help you build on to what you already have? This is the workshop for you! Meet Gail Essmaker in the Career Center, Library 231
LinkedIn Workshop 5-6pm Fish Bowl Lab in the Library, Marc Boucher and Ali Van Doren will give you tips on how to create a LinkedIn profile or if you already have one started, they can help you take your profile to the next level!
Wednesday, March 21 – Career Exploration, 4-5pm, Career Center, Library 231
All are welcome, whether you’ve chosen your career path or are still undecided, this event will help you gain valuable insight on career options for your future – hosted by Mary Jo Meehan.
Thursday, March 22 – Job Fair, 4-6pm, Cisler Center
Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to meet with potential employers. Wear your interview gear (business casual) and bring your resume for this chance to network and gain valuable skills for finding a job after college.
Friday, March 23 – 2018 Grad Fair, 9am-2pm, Barnes & Noble Bookstore
Calling all 2018 Grads: This is your One-Stop-Shop to get everything you need for Commencement including; cap, gown, tassel and hood, honors cords, grad announcements, class ring, LSSU memorabilia, diploma frames, Alumni Association deal and more!